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“Ultimately your greatest gift to the world is being who you are – both your gift and your fulfillment”

A. H. Almaas


The AASW defines supervision as ‘… a forum for reflection and learning… an interactive dialogue between at least two people, one of whom is a supervisor. This dialogue shapes a process of review, reflection, critique, and replenishment for professional practitioners.’

Supervision can include a discussion of the following.

  • Professional/clinical work
  • Business administration
  • Industry/organisational issues
  • Personal (where it impacts the work role)

The value of clinical supervision

Clinical supervision allows you to take an observational stance to your practice, allowing for increased self-awareness and enhanced professional competence. It allows for the ongoing development of counselling competencies in an environment of honesty and trust.

Some of the benefits of supervision include.

  • Facilitating self-awareness
  • Developing realistic self-evaluation
  • Integrating research, theory, and skills
  • Exploring values and beliefs
  • Embedding creativity in practice
  • Investigating innovation and new treatment modalities
  • Ensuring legal and ethical practices
  • Monitoring client safety and outcomes
  • Implementing effective administrative processes
  • Supporting self-care and wellbeing

Cath’s philosophy on supervision

Cath has enjoyed working with a range of supervisors across her career and each has brought different perspectives to her practice. She has been nurtured and challenged through these relationships and hopes to bring this to her supervision practice.

Cath believes that the supervisee-supervisor relationship is a respectful partnership with the goal of empowering the supervisee to become their own expert in both content and process.

Cath is accredited to provide individual and group supervision to members of the following professional bodies.

  • Australian Counselling Association
  • Australian Association of Social Workers
  • The Australian Community Workers Association
  • Australian Hypnotherapy Association
  • Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists
  • Association of Psychotherapists & Counsellors